Strengthening the Lutheran Church with Alternative Liturgical Worship
The Lutheran Church has a rich heritage rooted in the Christian tradition, liturgy, and reverence. Liturgical choices and practices developed through the centuries and absorbed elements from people and culture of different times and places; they are not a doctrine of the Church. Therefore, historically and in the present the Church would be in keeping with its tradition as she would be providing alternative liturgical Christian Lutheran practices. The definition of Alternative Liturgical Services emanates from congregational practice: forms and practices of Service grounded in the tradition of the Christian Church throughout the centuries, while open to new artistic forms to communicate the Gospel that are adequate and well connected to a given context. As Orthodoxy is something defined and unified, Orthopraxy can open and varied. That is because thinking of forms in the Divine Service is not always a matter of “or”, but rather, of “and”. The Church does not need to give up