Book review: "Sharing the Word", Lucy Atkinson Rose
Rose, Lucy Atkinson. Sharing the Word: Preaching in the Roundtable Church (Westminster John Knox, 1997). 1 Rose’s foundational claim about preaching, which she calls a proposal, is that it is Transformational, one she defines as nonhierarchical, heuristic and communal. It is preaching rooted in a relationship of connectedness and mutuality between the preacher and the worshippers which flow from and go back to faith and hope, and not from and to an objective, final truth. Preaching’s goal is to gather the community of faith around the Word where the central conversations of the Church are refocused and fostered. Labels like clergy and laity disappear and believing or wanting to believe is all that matters in this centrifugal movement in preaching. The new goal of the preaching as proposed by Rose demands new whats and hows . Dialogical preaching requires absence of a normative power and an authoritative figure of the preacher. Therefore, Rose sets out