
 Michael Coren, in his October 30th Toronto Star column, claims that the main reason why people are not attending Church anymore is because for some Christian Religion and conservatism have become synonyms, which is to be reputed as a bad connection. In order to attract more people back to Jesus -- not to the organized Church --, Christians should therefore encompass more of the social justice topics related to Christ's life and ministry.

The article seems to hang from this claim: “To a great many Canadians, Christianity has become another word for conservatism”. Therefore, it doesn’t seem to be as focused on bettering organized religion as it is in pushing a shift from conservatism to a more progressive agenda. That is illustrated by the way Christ’s teachings are referred to. There is no mention to repenting and believing the Gospel, Christ’s His redemptive work, focus on Word and Sacraments, etc, which is the source of action for Faith. Rather, Jesus’ life it is framed in terms of social justice topics, which are the reason for requesting people to “give not churches but Jesus another chance.”  

The Church can certainly be and should be more active in serving her neighbour and her community. But in this case, it looks like the push for change in order to attract more people is not theological, but rather political. Or, putting it in another way, the push is for a change in Theology so that Sociology may be given a chance to bring people back to the pews.


Coren, Michael. "Christianity has become another word for Conservatism: Why we should give Jesus - not churches - another chance". Toronto Star, October 30, 2022.  https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2022/10/30/christianity-has-become-another-word-for-conservatism-why-we-should-give-jesus-not-churches-another-chance.html




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