The Liturgy of the Lutheran Service - Video

This video was a production for the "Toque de Vida"(Touch of Life) program, a daily show on ULBRA TV, the longest running TV Program in an "open signal" station in Brazilian Lutheranism (2004 -     )

In 2008, we started to record Lutheran Services and air them every Sunday, 8AM-9AM on ULBRA TV. On a given Sunday, instead of airing a Service, we thought of explaining the Liturgical content of the Traditional Service in a way that people unfamiliar with the Traditional Lutheran Service could learn more about it. To illustrate the parts of the liturgy we used footage of regular Services recorded in three different Chapels of "St Paul" Lutheran Church in Canoas (now "Mighty Fortress" Lutheran Church), including the Campus Chapel to which, together with Campus Ministry, I was called to lead the Church planting in 2004.

You can check out this Special Program by clicking on the video.


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