
 "Gracious and Loving Father,

We thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who gave us His body and blood in the Holy Supper for the forgiveness of our sins. We are deeply grateful for this sacred meal that forgives our hearts and nourishes our faith.

Lord, in sorrow we witnessed the parody of the Last Supper during the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games, a mockery of the night in which the blessed promise and gift was instituted. However, we are not surprised by it. St. Peter wrote, "Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires." The world cannot see the Son unless guided by the Spirit, and therefore it will always drag its feet against the Gospel.

Lord, we ask that in Your mercy You would touch the hearts of those who participated in this act. Through Your Holy Spirit, open their eyes to the truth of Your Gospel and transform their hearts with Your love. We forgive them in the name of Jesus, and we proclaim the Good News of the Gospel, which offers unconditional forgiveness, transformation, and love to all, including the organizers and the participants of that event.

Strengthen us, Lord, in this ever-shifting world, to stand firm in Your Word and Your promises, so that we will both stand our ground and respond with grace and truth. We want to reflect the blessings and promises that we receive in Your Word and Sacraments, which drag people out of the darkness and draw them into Your marvellous light.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen


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